Summer Flowers - Enter Laughing

"The earth laughs in flowers..." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson If Emerson was right, then the earth in my part of the world, the northeast United States, is guffawing right now ... big belly laughs of coneflower, Shasta Daisy, Daylilies and more. Chuckling up lantana...giggling could you not smile? flowers make us happy...but why? Well, a fascinating study in the journal of Evolutionary Psychology ā ISSN 1474-7049 ā Volume 3. 2005. - 121 studied this very phenomenon. Psychological reearchers from Rutgers studied the effects of flowers on people and wrote " An Environmental Approach to Positive Emotion: Flowers" Within their exhaustive study the scientists wrote this ( I selected these paragraphs out of the multi page report) : "our results indicate that the simple presentation of flowers, even a single flower, will release a strong and immediate behavior reflecting positive affect... Anecdotally, the responses are even more fervent...