'Ruby Slippers' Oakleaf Hydrangea - a native, compact flowering shrub!

Ruby Slippers Oakleaf Hydrangea - photo by Sandra Reed So you want to plant a native shrub that tolerates half shade (shade in afternoon), has big blooms in the summer and has great Fall color? Oh yeah, and it should be compact, fairly minimum maintenance and grow to -20 degrees F. And it should be reddish/pink. 'RUBY SLIPPERS' OAKLEAF HYDRANGEA is the answer. Monrovia - Ruby Slippers close up Its 9" long flower clusters start out white, then gradually change to pink and then red, growing above the beautiful oakleaf foliage, which also turns an amazing mahogany red in the fall. It grows to just 3 1/2 ft. by about 5 feet wide. Zones 5-9. Developed by the U.S. National Arboretum in McMinnville, TN in 2010, the compact Ruby Slippers is a cross between Snow Queen and PeeWee hydrangea. It does not grow higher than 4 feet. It is...