Worm Tubes! Why not?

Worm tubes from National Gardening Association Want to know a great way to enhance biological activity in your garden? Think of it as adding probiotics to your soil.... Worm Tubes! It is a fun way to use your vegetable food waste without the hassle of true composting. Worm tubes attract worms to your garden and this, in turn, creates rich, worm casting-filled composted soil for you to use. Josh shows us how - click here And did you know that worm compost suppresses plant diseases ? Research has shown that worm compost can successfully suppress Pythium aphanidermatum - a mold responsible for the dreaded 'damping off', where seedlings and young plants rot away at the base of the stem. The microbes in the compost are key. They chemically prevent (disrupts the signalling) the Pythium pathogen from accessing the plant. This is why you should consider making worm compost with a 'worm tube' ...