Super Moon : biggest full moon in almost 20 years - Tonight.

courtesy of Utah Skies website NASA says: On March 19th , a full moon of rare size and beauty will rise in the east at sunset. It's a super "perigee moon "--the biggest in almost 20 years. It is 14% bigger than usual and 30% brighter than lesser Moons. Go outside tonight and soak up some moonlight. There's plenty of it. "The last full Moon so big and close to Earth occurred in March of 1993," says Geoff Chester of the US Naval Observatory in Washington DC. "I'd say it's worth a look." Perigee Moon behind Alps by Vincent Jacques Full Moons vary in size because of the oval shape of the Moon's orbit. It is an ellipse with one side (perigee) about 50,000 km closer to Earth than the other. A perigee full Moon brings with it extra-high "perigean tides." The best time to look is when the Moon is near the horizon. This is the 'moon illusion' when it looks huge.....For reasons not fully understood, low-hanging Moons ...