LITTLE BLUESTEM = a native grass you will love

'Blue Paradise' Little Bluestem courtesy of Proven Winners Deep wine purple fall color. When the American Horticultural Society decided to create a large meadow at their headquarters, River Farm, in Virginia the first plant they seeded was Little Bluestem. ( I wrote about this earlier but have added to it. ) Photo Courtesy of Lazy S'S Farm They applied 100 pounds of Bluestem seed. The Latin name is Schizachyrium scoparium or skiz-ah-KEER-ee-um sko-PAR-ee-um. Why was this the first plant they seeded? Because Little Bluestem is a NATIVE, wonderful, durable, upright, clump forming grass that is eminently suitable for 'meadow making'. 'The Blues' courtesy of the Battery Database Little Bluestem is native to almost all of the United States and parts of Canada. It is found in 45 of the 50 states, making it the most abundant of all native grasses. It is drought and flood-tolerant, can gro...