Yin / Yang in the Garden - A Landscape Design Tip

The High Point / Shady Corner Balance ā Serenity Assured A truly harmonious outdoor space is a blend of both open space and shady shelter. The counterbalance of these two opposites can be seen as the āyinā and āyangā of the landscape. Johnsen Landscapes & Pools - www.johnsenlandscapes.com A high point or open level lawn is bright and forceful, āyangā. A sheltered shady spot is muted and soft or āyinā. Seeing the world through the complementary lens of yin and yang is an eye opening exercise. Gardens containing both qualities feel balanced and comfortable. Therefore shady sites near open sunny lawns are thoroughly enjoyable places to sit. A note: moderation is the key to a tranquil and harmonious outdoor space. Stay away from extremes of āyangā or āyinā. For example, if a high point is too high or too exposed, it can be feel scattered. Likewise, if a low area is too deep or shady, it feels stagnant. But an open lawn ringed by...