'Hot Wings' Tatarian Maple - a Great Small Tree

photo from northscaping.com HOT WINGS ® Tatarian Maple was discovered in Colorado. It appeared as a chance-seedling in the production fields of Fort Collins Wholesale Nursery in 1993. This is a selected variety of a species not originally from North America. This particular tree stood out from all the other Tatarian maples for six weeks every summer with its breath-taking scarlet red samaras that contrasted boldly with the green foliage. It looked like it was in bloom in July. In the spring, clusters of yellow-white flowers covered the tree after the leaves appear. Fall leaf color transformed from orange-red on the outside of the tree to yellow in the middle. In time, Plant Select ® offered to patent it and promote it. It is now readily available in local nurseries. If you want a small single or multi-stem wide spreading ornamental tree that reaches 18 - 25 feet tall ( with a spread of 20 feet) and offers year round interest, is tolerant of alkaline soils and...