
Showing posts from May, 2017

Spring Mornings

Three is nothing as delightful as a clear, crisp morning in spring... I took this at the Everett Rock Garden at NY Botanical Garden. A must-see for Garden lovers.

'Lavender Mist' Meadow Rue

From Annie's Annuals Thalictrum rochebrunianum Lavender Mist Meadow Rue Deer resistant perennial!  This Japanese native has  blue-green  columbine-like foliage in spring and shoots up willowy purplish stalks that are 6-7ā€™ tall.  In July these burst into airy clouds of lavender-pink flowers with prominent soft-yellow anthers.  I t has a delicate bearing.  Its sprays of lilac flowers rise above shorter plants. Place at the back of a border; can withstand some shade;  Intolerant of intense heat and humidity.  Prefers r ich, loamy soil.  Best used in borders, meadows and naturalized areas.  Plant in a group.  Zones 5 - 9 from annie's annuals

Stonescaping - A Great Review from Bedford Magazine

Stonescaping - review by Jennifer Moore Stahlkrantz I find the abundance of natural stoneā€”the outcroppings, the ridges, the meandering wallsā€”in our area just breathtaking. If youā€™re drawn to it, as well, and looking to add dimension and resilience to your landscape, grab a copy of Mt. Kisco landscape designer Jan Johnsenā€™s new book The Spirit of Stone . Inside, she shows the many creative ways that stone and gravel can be used in a garden. The tips and photos are inspiring. To see this review go here: .................................................................................................................................. Btw - Please sign up for my new monthly newsletter - full of tips, ideas and links for all garden lovers. ! Click here.