Gaudi's Curves - Based on Nature

Gaudi’s Curves The visionary Barcelona architect of the early 20th century, Antonio Gaudí, studied the spirals and curves of nature and utilized them in all his projects. Gaudi, unlike other architects of his time, did not rely on rigid shapes. Consequently his buildings feature columns spiraling up like trees and ovoid windows peering out onto the world. They are remarkable in their organic glory. Looking up in the Sagrada Familia cathedral. source- wiki commons. Gaudí’s love for curves is on full display in his Parque Güell, a municipal park on the outskirts of Barcelona. Here, he incorporated twisting paths, imaginative colonnades and naturally formed staircases into a steep hillside. I took this photo of his famous colonnade there - based on a wave's action. Gaudi copied Nature. photo on left - Jan Johnsen The large open public area at the center of the park is surrounded by a long, curving wall and a bench covered wi...