Pruning in the Late Summer Flower Garden - Prune Away!
Flower gardens in late summer in my part of the world can be likened to a slightly overripe peach: they are a little too juicy and softer than you would prefer. They are, as Shakepeare's wrote, "too much of a good thing".... Pink Chaos coleus, Double Impatiens (orchid) and euphorbia Diamond Frost What, then, to do with that overflowing petunia, the overgrown mock orange, that out of control spirea? Bring them back from sweet excess by judicious pruning. 'Judicious' is the operative word here, but above all, PRUNE AWAY! Clematis, Blue Salvia stalks and Vinca At this time of year, do not be afraid to prune back, shape and rejuvenate. Of course, late pruning of spring flowering shrubs such as lilacs will mean sacrificing some of next year's flowers but if you are like me, the unkempt appearance now far outweighs the flower display 6 months hence. Blue Angelonia, Cambridge Blue Angelonia, New Guinea pink Impatiens, blue star juniper Of course, prunin...