As a budding garden writer, I must share with you one of my favorite authors - Edith Wharton. Edith Wharton was a famous woman of letters in the 19th century when she went to Italy and wrote her seminal, turn of the century Italian Villas and Gardens . The writing is classic garden literature. First serialized in the popular 'The Century Magazine' and then released in book form in 1904, Italian Villas and Their Gardens is Wharton's description of her visits to 75 different villas. It combines Wharton's flowing prose, her keen intellect and eye and Maxfield Parrish's striking and nuanced color illustrations. What a combination for such a wonderful topic! All the Parrish illustrations shown here are from a fabulous website called 100 years of Illustration and Design by Paul Giambarba (click here). The book was a genuine collaborative effort between the two. Each traveled to Italy to gather material for the project and then they met later in The Moun...