Curves in the Landscape

( Naumkeag in Stockbridge, Mass...a must-visit) āIn life, as in art, the beautiful moves in curves.ā ~ Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton (pool and landscape by Johnsen Landscapes & Pools) Perhaps it is my reaction against the tight grids of modern site design, or maybe it is my love of natural forms, or possibly it is due to my being a female... but I love curves in the landscape . I am not referring to the squiggly kind or the ill considered hose-on-the-ground variety but the sweeping curves that draw your eye around and onward. (Red and White Border - Jan Johnsen, Johnsen Landscapes & Pools) The lure of a curve entices you to see what is on the other side. (no Belgian Block here! - Jan Johnsen, Johnsen Landsapes & Pools) A curving line makes you feel good. (The Mastery of Gaudi - Parque Guell, Barcelona) It may even make you stop and ponder the scene sometimes. (Naumkeag aga...