Savoring a Garden in Spring

Early Spring is a wonderful time to savor a garden.... Just as a wine connoisseur relishes that first sip on his tongue, so can we revel in a flower, a scent or even a Spring breeze. Gardening and wine are similar - although not essential to life, they enrich the experience and contribute to an overall sense of well being. Garden lovers know what I am talking about - that exquisite moment of 'stop time' when the wafting fragrance of a single rose-pink blossom captures your attention and lifts you away. Or when, basking in the warm morning sun, the birdsong is louder than the chatter in your head. Or that first deep breath you take when stepping outside into the budding green realm where Flora reigns. In short, gardens allow you to delight in the little things of life, to savor the essence of the our natural world... to see the extraordinary in the ordinary. Other activities can transport us away from the daily hubbub - yoga, readi...