
Showing posts from 2022

Music for the Eye - Curves in the Landscape

  I wrote this post in my new substack 'Jan Johnsen's Gardentopia'  - go here to read it and see the photos:


Life moves on and so do I. I am going from being a Blogger to a 'Substacker'! Please follow me there: Go to Jan Johnsen's Gardentopia   and please subscribe.  Every week I will post something of interest to garden lovers and garden designers. I started my new substack with a great quote. It is why I share all that I do. Please follow me on Substack. "The world is moving into a phase when landscape design may  well be recognized  as the most comprehensive of the arts. Man creates around him an environment that is a projection into nature of his abstract ideas." - Sir Geoffrey Jellicoe

'Being There' - Garden Wisdom for the Ages

Peter Sellers in 'Being There'  One of my favorite movies is "Being There," a 1979 film  starring Peter Sellers.  It was directed by Hal Ashby, adapted from a novella by Jerzy Kozinski.    Sellers plays Chance, the gardener, who tends the grounds of an estate in Washington, DC.   'Being There' movie poster Chance  has the mind of a child ( the role is a forerunner to Forrest Gump )  and knows only two things:   gardening and TV .   He is reclusive and illiterate and has lived and worked on this property his entire life.  W hen his boss,  the Old Man, dies at the beginning of the film he finds himself on the street and is soon inadvertently walking the halls of power and prestige.  His encounters with highly placed people are  very  funny. They are charmed by his simplicity and honesty.  They think 'Chauncy Gardiner' is a wise and profound man who uses metaphors ...