
Showing posts from March, 2011

Super Moon : biggest full moon in almost 20 years - Tonight.

courtesy of Utah Skies website NASA says: On March 19th , a full moon of rare size and beauty will rise in the east at sunset. It's a super "perigee moon "--the biggest in almost 20 years. It is 14% bigger than usual and 30% brighter than lesser Moons.  Go outside tonight and soak up some moonlight. There's plenty of it. "The last full Moon so big and close to Earth occurred in March of 1993," says Geoff Chester of the US Naval Observatory in Washington DC. "I'd say it's worth a look." Perigee Moon behind Alps by Vincent Jacques Full Moons vary in size because of the oval shape of the Moon's orbit. It is an ellipse with one side (perigee) about 50,000 km closer to Earth than the other. A perigee full Moon brings with it extra-high "perigean tides." The best time to look is when the Moon is near the horizon. This is the 'moon illusion' when it looks huge.....For reasons not fully understood, low-hanging Moons ...

Tree I.D. Using your Cell Phone (another app)

Identify any tree in North America in just a few taps on your cell phone / droi d / etc. TreeID was created in MEDL Mobile's App Incubator.  The idea was submitted by Jason Siniscalchi, a PhD in Forest Resource Science. He wanted a way to share his interest in tree identification with all nature enthusiasts. It is #12 in Canada. Identify Almost Any Tree in Northern America ā€¢Name ā€¢Scientific name ā€¢Physical Attributes (bark, leaf and fruit) ā€¢Geographic location  Matt suggested this to me - looks like a great aid to have on your phone! ....(just got to remember to keep it charged.)

Gardening Helps us to Remember ( Living through the Shift )

sitting We are co-creators with life. We have forgotten how to do this. Gardening helps us to remember. The Living Centre The earth needs out ministrations right now...the upheavals are only just beginning. If we handle the upheavals creatively, the situation can become an opportunity for growth. Gardening allows us to come back to what is important and experience with grace the inevitable shifts that will occur.  The newness that wants to be born will come through a sprout in the ground ... Bokashi  

Pablo Reinoso and his Benches

Outdoor benches are the last bastion of modern art.....and Pablo Reinoso, an Argentinian born in Paris (doesn't that make him French?), has tackled benches with his signature use and manipulation of bentwood (a la the Thonet bentwood chair). Reinoso combines utilitarian need with experimental forms in a delightful and memorable way! His benches inject a surreal quality into the landscape. I would love to plant a dutchmen's pipe vine to twine around his artful benches. You can see these photos at the website of Carpenters Workshop Gallery Reinosoā€™s quirky exploration of the relationship between a static bench and its environs was inspired by the rolling English landscape and twisting tangled vines...,. This is the 'Huge Sudeley Bench'  by Reinoso. I can imagine a whole park of these interconnected benches - it would be the greatest playground ever built! Pablo - are you interested?  Your benches are just the beginning.....Call up Jupiter Artland and suggest ...