
Showing posts from July, 2011

Outdoor Shower Ideas for Your Garden

The Bridge by Douches de jardins The outdoor shower is a summer dream for many of us. Imagine waking up and going outside (in seclusion and privacy) and taking a shower 'pleine air'... The image conjures up morning, brightness, serenity and refreshment...ahhhh.... You don't need much room but you will need some privacy fencing or dense plant screening. Why not take the plunge?  I am trying to figure out where to put one in my little yard.  Here are a few ideas for you: THE BRIDGE From Douches de jardins This shower envelops the body in a gush of water.. The water tap is located at the showerā€™s rear base and connects directly to a garden hose or to a fixed installation.   A hot water regulator allows mixing hot and cold water at the desired temperature.   Looks like a lot of fun. UNDER THE TREE Under the Tree by Conmoto An arching spray of water from a tree-like source.  The tree's other branches are ideal for hanging towels and clo...

Personal Space and Privacy - Japanese Vs. American

In my graduate Landscape Design Studio at Columbia University, I ask students to select an excerpt from the assigned book, 'The Hidden Dimension' and correlate a personal experience to describe it. Yuji Yamazaki wrote this very enlightening piece...I had to share. (He said it was ok.) ā€œWe learn from the study of culture that the patterning of perceptual world is a function not only of culture but of relationship, activity, and emotion.  Therefore, people from different cultures, when interpreting each otherā€™s behavior, often misinterpret the relationship, the activity, or the emotion.  This leads to alienation in encounters or distorted communications.ā€ ~ Edward T. Hall, Hidden Dimension I have been living with my girlfriend for over 5 years now. My girlfriend, born and raised in the Long Island, NY,  sees certain things in a way that I donā€™t quite understand, especially things that relate to space and privacy. Edward Hall mentions that there is no...

Garden Bells - A Sonorous Addition to Your Landscape

Decorative Garden Bell from Cox and Cox   Tintinnabulation    is one of my favorite English words. It is a noun that refers to the ringing or sound of bells. The word sounds like what it is describing.... Edgar Allan Poe used this word in his rapturous poem about THE BELLS. It is one of my favorite poems and Phil Ochs put it to song. Here is a snippet : "Hear the sledges with the bells - Silver bells! What a world of merriment their melody foretells! How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle, In the icy air of night! While the stars that oversprinkle All the heavens, seem to twinkle With a crystalline delight; Keeping time, time, time, In a sort of Runic rhyme, To the tintinnabulation that so musically wells From the bells, bells, bells, bells, Bells, bells, bells - From the jingling and the tinkling of the bells." How can you not want a bell in your garden after that?  :) Here are a few bells you may ...

Let the Beauty We Love be What We Do

Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are a hundred ways to kneel and kiss the earth. ~ Rumi

Beautiful Outdoor Benches Complete a Garden

Baseball Bench by Douglas Thayer Benches make a garden.... After you arrange all the plants, the rocks, install the paving and whatever you choose...then you place the bench.  The bench is what calls to us. And the bench you place adds a special sparkle that touches the visitor directly.  After all, the bench seat is what we feel when we sit down. So it must look great and feel good.  Here are some choices for your garden. Roseto Bench by Crate and Barrel   This plantation harvested teak bench has a clean, contemporary double vertical slat-back design.  Handcrafted with mortise-and-tenon joinery. Add on the weather-resistant Sunbrella cushion in neutral stone for extra comfort. Lucky Beam Bench by Katch Design   The  Lucky Beam bench by Brooklyn-based Katch Design  is made from 100% recyclable aluminum ,  features a solvent free powder coat finish and a reclaimed  Pine seat coated with an all-natura...