Goodbye Radiant Orchid (color of year 2014)

As you may know, the 2015 Pantone Color of the Year is Marsala, a toned down, wine-red color that is good in the background, useful for setting off other brighter hues. Last year's color, Radiant Orchid, was another story. Described by Pantone as "a captivating harmony of fuchsia, purple and pink undertones," it demands attention and is, in my opinion, slightly jarring. But I was getting used to it and was even accepting it in the garden. And now, we go back to the more staid colors....but here it is, one last time, in all its 'wowie-powie' glory: I give you 'Radiant Orchid in the Garden.' Radiant orchid bench amidst hydrangeas- I don't know who took this photo Zinnia 'Queen Red Lime' Sunset Colors Garden by Amber Freda, NYC Raindrops on flower Radiant Orchid Chairs Jersey Shore Zinnia Goodbye Radiant we may calm down a bit.