A Bench among the Ferns - Garden Photo of the Day

A serene setting - designed by Jan Johnsen for a private residence in Westchester County, NY.


  1. This looks like a very serene spot to stop and enjoy the garden. BTW, Which of May Sarton's journals is the quote at the top of your blog from? (It could be The House By the Sea -- but I've read that one so many times, I think I would recognize the quote; and I don't.) -Jean

    1. Thank You Jean! Andthanks for stopping by. I don't know the book that it comes from although I would guess 'Plant Dreaming Deep'.
      Several years ago I yearned to find May Sarton's house in York. I stopped impulsively at a gallery there to see the show and on a whim I asked the woman who worked there if she knew where May Sarton lived. She looked at me quizzically and said, "I live in her house - how did you know?" and so I found her house looking out to the sea...

  2. Gorgeous !!!! This garden looks so beautiful .

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