My one day Class Wednesday April 16 in NY - Jan Johnsen

I am teaching a one day class on Wednesday April 16 at the NY Botanical Garden 
It is a fun, eye opening and fun class!            (class size is limited.)

I  share my insights into landscape design and how to use various cultural and ancient traditions in a garden. I discuss how to use the compelling duality of Yin and Yang in a setting, explain how each of the four cardinal directions (north, south, east, west) affects us differently, which proportions create a more harmonious setting.

 I also show how to place rocks in the landscape according to the Japanese understanding. Everyone loves this. and of course, I discuss Color and its effects on our wellbeing...

I show 2 beautiful powerpoint to illustrate my talk..  Handouts reinforce the information I provide.

Here is what students have written:

No wonder you were instructor of the year! Your talk was delightful, Jan. You gave us all a thoughtful, colorful start to planting season. I have some great new ideas. Much thanks!
AP, garden designer and NYBG instructor

Jan is not only a skilled landscape designer, she is one of the best instructors you will ever have the pleasure of hearing lecture.
RR, landscape designer

I really want you to know just how successful you made our day. In fact several members thought this was the best presentation ever…You had a wonderful way of relating to the group…We attracted more people than we originally thought!
M M, - Garden Club    

photo by Jan Johnsen


  1. Sounds interesting. I didn't realize classes were offered-are they offered to the public? I was just looking at the event schedule last night :)

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