Hydrangea Tardiva - Late blooming Hydrangea to Extend the Season

I must admit - I love Tardiva Hydrangea.

Hydrangea paniculata 'Tardiva' is a loose, carefree shrub that defines exuberance. It is one of the panicle hydrangeas that received a 2010 Cary Award for Outstanding Shrub for New England Gardens.

It adapts easily to many situations, blooms late in the summer which extends the garden season into October and can be pruned as a small tree if so desired.

Tardiva is known for its long, lacy white flowers. They are tinted a pale pink which become darker as the season progresses. This hydrangea can tolerate half shade and is disease resistant.

I prune Tardiva in very early spring, leaving just a few buds on the stem - this ensures larger flowers on stiffer branches.

Tardiva hydrangeas fit in well in a woodland theme garden as well as in classic mixed flower borders. They make a great screen in the summer and are striking when planted in a mass planting. 

They also make a wonderful dried cut flower.

In the photos shown here from one of my landscape projects you can see that I planted Tardiva in front of a red barn building.

I also have white deutzia, white Siberian Iris, boxwood and nepeta 'Walkers Low' in this bed.  What a show all season long! I fill in the spaces with white white angelonia, brunnera and lantana.

(This is Deutzia blooming in spring in the Tardiva bed)


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