Garden Photo of the Day - 'Cityline® Paris' Hydrangea

Cityline® Paris Hydrangea in front of Limelight Hydrangea - Johnsen Landscapes & Pools

Tired of floppy, weak stemmed hydrangeas, especially when they're in full bloom? 

This new deep pink dwarf hydrangea hybrid from Germany has sturdy stems and excellent mildew resistance. 

It is a maintenance-free plant that requires no pruning - this means more flowers the next coming summer! 

Its intense pink-red color summer flowers are long lasting and age quite nicely into fall as well...

Cityline® Paris will add a deep pink zing to your garden and fill your home with beautiful fresh or dried cut flowers. 

Note: Soil pH will affect flower color. For blue flowers, the soil must be more acidic and for pink flowers the soil must be more alkaline. 


  1. My mistake! Those white hydrangeas are 'Little Lime' Limelight hydrangeas...I should have remembered this.


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