The New Garden Design Magazine - Its Great!
The new re-imagined Garden Design book-a-zine is out - and what a first issue it is! Garden Design Premiere Issue 2014 This is a completely new incarnation of the stalwart magazine that we have known for years. This new edition goes beyond the glossy photos of furniture and lush outdoor enclaves that dominated the pages of the previous Garden Design to delve into fascinating details, ideas, places, people and plants. It harks back to the early days of Garden Design when I would read the magazine cover to cover. This is one of the articles I am an huge a fan of the new Garden Design (full disclosure: I am a contributing editor of Garden Design) - it is a basically a gorgeous book that has NO ADVERTISEMENTS. A big plus is that the paper quality is the best - book quality - and as you turn the fully illustrated pages you realize you are reading a compelling new garden book - one that has been developed with care and an honest desire to create ...