Garden Photo and Plant List of the Day - Young Flower Garden, Cornell

Cornell Plantations Garden photo by Justin D.Kondrat
 The Cornell Plantations gardens in Ithaca, New York are intoxicating in summer!  

This is the YOUNG FLOWER GARDEN there.  This garden celebrates our responses to significant plants by revealing how these plants are reflected in art, literature, ceremony, the symbolic meanings they communicate, 

and the emotions they evoke
Cornell Plantations click here
The Young Flower Garden is a combination of annuals, perennials, and shrubs hardy to a northern climate. 
They have booklets that focus on the lore and cultural uses of 10 common flowers: the rose, carnation, daisy, sunflower, poppy, lily, iris, tulip, peony, and chrysanthemum.
Click here to download a plant list for this garden  (pdf file, 46 pages).


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