Sacred White Sage of California

Sacred White Sage - click here fore source  

White Sage (Salvia apiana) is an elegant shrubby California native that requires good drainage and full sun.  It is extremely pungent.

White Sage Flowers scent the air beautifully 

Its leaves are brilliant, silvery white and its flower spikes soar 2 - 5 feet above the foliage, with hundreds of small white-to-lavender flowers offering themselves up to pollinators such as  bees, hummingbirds and small native wasps. They fly into the flower and crawl into the flower's neck and sip the nectar.   This is bee heaven, which is why White Sage is sometimes referred to as bee sage. 

Sage flowers - bee heaven - click here for source
Slow growing and may be difficult to establish. It often grows on rocky, south slopes.  Very little water is needed once the plant becomes established.  

This plant is the Sacred White Sage that is used in medicinal teas and Native American smudge sticks for  purification rituals.  Its leaves are burned in the home to sweeten and purify the air.  This is a beautiful and powerful plant.

If you want to grow this plant indoors her eis a great link on how to do it:

white sage smudge sticks


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